How Much Does a Private Investigator Cost? A Closer Look On Their Fees
The enigmatic world of private investigators, often depicted in shadowy film noir scenes, can leave you wondering how much does a private investigator cost in reality. If you’re considering hiring a PI to uncover the truth but are unsure about the financial implications, this guide will shed light on the costs associated with their services. […]
What You Need to Know About Digital Private Investigators
By photographing their subject participating in certain acts and through other types of fieldwork, numerous private investigators do their jobs every day. But thanks to today’s technology, a digital private investigator is able to focus on digital evidence and gather as much of it as possible. In personal injury cases, employment disputes, family law cases, […]
Pros And Cons Of Hiring Private Investigators For Your Divorce Case
A range of emotions are released and experienced during divorce. Some of these can include sorrow and regret. But occasionally, vengeance and enmity enter the picture. Unintended consequences can result if strategic, careful thinking is not used during a divorce; but, rather, people let their emotions run away with them. In family law proceedings, a […]
Is GPS Tracking Allowed By Law?
Have you ever thought about hiring a private investigator? Possibly you have a company and feel that an employee may be stealing. Maybe you suspect your spouse is having an affair. You might be concerned about the way your ex is raising your children using the child support you pay. There are any number of […]
Find Out Your Rights In An Affair Investigation
It can be a difficult and painful experience when you find yourself doubting the fidelity of a spouse. You feel a burning desire to get to the truth. It’s the only way to calm the nagging thoughts in your mind. Regardless of the outcome of an investigation, you will at the very least be able […]
What A Private Investigator Can And Can’t Do
People may hire a private investigator for any number of reasons. Here are several: Alimony investigation Divorce investigation Infidelity investigation… and more You may decide to hire a private investigator if you’re paying alimony to someone who has drifted outside the restrictions put on them by the courts. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, […]
Types Of Affairs Uncovered By Private Investigators
Cheating is cheating – right? Actually, when it comes to cheating, there are different types of affairs! “Is my partner cheating on me?” This is an everyday question heard by private investigators. Regarding a partner, you may have some suspicions if this is a question you feel the need to ask. There are numerous dynamics […]
Should You Hire a Private Investigator On A Contingency Fee Basis?
Depending on the case in question, thousands of dollars on investigative and legal fees may be spent by an individual. Not everyone has that kind of money! Frequently, a private investigator will be asked whether not they can work on the basis of a contingency fee. It is, when interviewing new case clients, one of […]
Alimony Investigation In Florida PI Can Help
Are you divorced and living in Florida? Are you paying alimony? The following information, regarding alimony investigation, may be of interest to you… There are six types of alimony in Florida: Lump sum alimony Temporary Bridge-the-Gap Durational Rehabilitative Permanent You are considered the payor if you have been ordered to pay alimony by the courts. […]
What To Note When Hiring A PI For Alimony Investigation
When a couple is going through a divorce, the topic of alimony can be a bitter one. This is especially true if the divorce was caused by marital misconduct on the part of one spouse or if they had used shared funds to support this wrongdoing, such as purchasing property for the person they were […]