
5 Signs Of A Cheating Spouse

Research has shown that although men have a higher likelihood of cheating than women, women are better at hiding their affairs. Usually, when a woman is caught cheating on her significant other, it can lead to a loss of reputation, children and financial security. In some cases, it may even lead to violence. Both men […]

Private Investigators Atlanta Georgia Help Business

Just like any other stream of law enforcement, private investigation too can have a variety of specializations and methods. And private investigators need to be alert, observational and possess a logical and analytical mind. That is because, all kinds of cases, ranging from the concerns of a cheating spouse to an array of dangerous crimes, […]

Services of the Best Private Investigator in Atlanta

The best private investigator in Atlanta provides a handful of informative services ranging from the more routine types of confidential evidence, polygraph testing, infidelity issues, spouse cheating investigation, such as monitoring a witness or locating a claimant’s activities, to the more tricky and complex type of cases such as discovery of hidden assets or assisting […]

Marriage Counseling for Cheating Spouses

Some people are like foxes; they know many things. Other people are like hedgehogs; they know one big thing. A fox is a clever animal able to devise many tactics for attacking the hedgehog. Everyday the fox looks like he has another brilliant strategy to finally win his prey. The hedgehog, on the other hand, […]

Is Someone Listening?

Is Someone Listening? You hadn’t set the phone down for more than a minute when she called demanding to know who this mystery girl was. Your first reaction is to look over your shoulder, but even after spinning 360 degrees you don’t see anyone. There a few people across the street on their phone looking […]

Cheating When Children Are Involved

Cheating When Children Are Involved You’ve had this nagging suspicion for so long that he’s cheating. All the red flags are up: the phone calls, the late arrivals home at night, and he activated that gym membership that he stopped using after the first year of marriage. Then he comes home and his face lights […]

The Other Woman

The Other Woman In the blur of emotions after the confirmation your husband is cheating its common for the other woman to spring to mind. Who is she? What does she have that you don’t? Most of all, why her? On some level you understand why the cheating occurred, the underlying tension between the two […]


Polygraphs Have you ever wondered what a polygraph test is or thought, “Do these test really work”? If so here is a break down about the Polygraph test and the pros and cons about using this type of test. The foundation built on the Polygraph test is that telling a lie is stressful and because […]